Saturday, October 10, 2009


Dr. Wendy Ghiora – Posting #32 – October 10, 2009

There are a myriad of teaching techniques that one can incorporate into the classroom to teach students to think critically. Socratic questioning is the oldest, and arguably the most powerful teaching tool used not only to think critically, but also analytically and independently (Foundation for Critical Thinking).

In his teaching, Socrates was well known for not answering a question, but instead asking more questions. The focus of Socratic questioning is to provide students with more questions, which will lead them to a self-won discovery of answers. Asking additional questions forces students to think in and about the concept rather than simply accepting the answer provided by the teacher. This type of thinking in turn leads to a greater understanding of the “big picture” involved.

The Socratic Questioning Model

The basic Socratic questioning model consists of four components:

1. Origin and source
2. Support, reasons, evidence, and assumptions
3. Conflicting views
4. Implications and consequences

Each component provides a potential area for the teacher to question students. For example, the teacher can ask students how they arrived at their particular point of view (Component 1). They can also inquire into what evidence they gathered to support their conclusion (Component 2). The teacher can use questions to identify other points of view (Component 3) and determine the implications and consequences of a particular conclusion based on what is known about the topic and the other points of view (Component 4). Many topics taught in agriculture or science classes lend themselves well to teaching with Socratic questioning.

Example Lesson

Using the Socratic questioning method to teach a lesson on genetically modified foods, for example, a teacher might begin by asking students, “Are genetically modified foods good or bad?” This type of question directly provides the student’s point of view. Let’s say, for the purpose of this example, the majority of students respond that genetically modified foods are bad. If the majority of students said they are good, the same questioning procedure could be used.

In our example, the majority said they are bad, so the teacher could ask, “Why are genetically modified foods bad?” or “How do you know they are bad?” (Component 1). Answers should be written on the board or a flip chart so students can see them. Just as in brainstorming, the teacher should remain non-judgmental about student responses and write all of them down. To wrap up this section of the discussion, the teacher may ask, “Can anyone else think of why genetically modified foods are bad?”

Once the responses are on the board, the teacher can ask students probing questions to get at how they came to the conclusion that genetically modified foods are bad. For example, if one of the responses was that they are bad because they are dangerous to consume, the teacher might ask, “Why do you think they are dangerous to consume?” One key point to remember when using Socratic questioning is to let the students answer the questions. Do not be afraid of pauses. In other words, do not simply give students the answer when there is a pause. Instead, ask additional probing questions.

The next step would be to question students regarding the information and data on which they are basing their assumption. For example, the teacher might ask, “Do you have any evidence to support your assumption?” (Component 2). Many times, students will be unable to support their assumptions with facts and evidence. This situation provides a good opportunity and motivation for them to do some research and learn more about genetically modified foods.

Once students have some facts and evidence, their point of view may change, or it may remain the same. Either way, the teacher might next ask students to identify conflicting views on the topic by asking questions such as, “Who would disagree with your position?” and “Why would they disagree with your position?” (Component 3). These types of questions promote critical thinking in that students begin to realize that although they do not have to agree with other points of view, they do need to recognize that they exist.

The next step in basic Socratic questioning is asking students for the implications and consequences of their points of view. In our example, the teacher might ask students, “What are the implications and consequences of believing that genetically modified foods are bad?” (Component 4). Again, answers should be written on the board or a flip chart and additional questions asked based on responses.

Note to Teachers

Notice that while teaching using the Socratic questioning technique, you as the instructor have to be familiar with the material, and you must be able to anticipate students’ answers in the development of further questions. Your questions should lead students to “better” answers through reasoned inquiry. Careful planning of the initial questions is crucial. Below are some tips for using Socratic questioning.

Using Socratic Questioning in the Science or Agriculture Classroom

1. Identify your instructional objective
2. Plan a sequence of questions that will logically lead students to reasoned answers based on your questions.
3. Keep the discussion focused.
4. Involve as many students in the discussion as possible.
5. Be non-judgmental of student responses.
6. Ask probing questions.
7. Ask questions to summarize material and check for student understanding.
8. Do not be afraid of pauses.

Using Socratic questioning as a teaching method keeps students actively involved and engaged in the learning. The Socratic method of questioning can be used in virtually every subject area in large and small classes alike.

Next week we will look at more ways to ensure maximum student involvement in the Socratic Questioning Process.


Foundation for Critical Thinking. (n.d.). Socratic teaching. Retrieved September 9, 2002, from

Newcomb, L.H., McCracken, J.D., & Warmbrod, J.R. (1993). Methods of teaching agriculture (2nd ed.) Danville, IL: Interstate Publishers, Inc.

Lori Moore, Graduate Assistant, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, University of Florida.

Rick Rudd, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, University of Florida.

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